Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A God of Miracles

God is Amazing!!
We are adopting from China!!!!

Miracles are things that just can’t be explained. And one thing that can’t be explained is how our Amazing God can create a child just for you around the world in a specific province in China and fill your heart with the deepest love for that child and to know he was created just for your family.

We have been on a long heart journey not knowing what God’s plan was for our family but he has lead us in His perfect timing to our son who in 6 years old and waiting for us in China. We are waiting to hear from China if we will be preapproved to adopt our precious boy and will share more hopefully soon!

We are people who plan and like to have things in order before we step, but this time God has asked us to take a huge step of faith and walk in obedience when we have no idea how it will come together but, we believe he will provide. We pray you will walk with us on this journey and see an Amazing God do amazing things. I believe in miracles do you?

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  1. I do believe in miracles, my sister in Christ. Oh how God makes us follow when we can not plan... to His glory for sure. Hugs
