Monday, December 2, 2013

Forever Family

This week we crossed the 6 month mark. So much as happened, we have traveled through so many developmental mile stones in such a short amount of time. It has been a hard but incredible journey. As we celebrated Thanksgiving we had so many new things to be thankful for, one being family. God has reshaped our family and blessed us so much with another gift of life. Cargan brings so much joy to our family. It has been a huge adjustment but things are beginning to settle and feel a little more normal. We have been taught so much through this journey. It has made us understand on such a greater level about how God has adopted us into His family. I still can not humanly understand how a perfect amazing God would choose me a very sinful selfish person to be a part of His forever family. I am so thankful He did and that He loves me and I pray that His love will be seen through my son’s eyes as we love him into our forever family. When Cargan was asked what he was thankful for he immediately said “God and Jesus Coming” I was really taken aback as I thought it would be food, family or something more concrete. God is so at work in him. What a precious gift I have been given to watch a child discover the greatest gift in the world- the love of a Savior. It brings me to tears to think of how much God loves each precious life, so much to being them across the world to learn of His everlasting love.  

Pray for those who still wait. Who wait to know what love is. Who wait to be a part of a forever family. 

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