Honduras Missions Trip
I definitely experienced the power of prayer on this trip. Many of you were praying very specifically for Sarah and I not to have any travel sickness. THANK YOU for ALL your PRAYERS!! God is amazing!!! We did not have any travel sickness. (Sarah had a day of sickness at the beginning and end but not from traveling.) As a Mama I was concerned when she got sick at the beginning of our trip and at the end but each time our team gathered together and prayed over anyone who was sick and the Lord worked in mighty ways.
Sarah sleeping on the plane. No travel sickness!! |
We also had a huge blessing of being invited to a child dedication service, 2 weddings and 12 baptisms all in the same day. Talk about an incredible day full of the power of prayer. Our brothers and sisters at this church all pray at the same time and this was new to me. I am a person who has some trouble focusing so it took a little bit of time to get use to and I don’t know Spanish but what I can tell you is that I was experiencing hearts pouring out loving prayers over these children, couples and believers being baptized. It was incredible to be in the presence of the Lord. The pastors here are trying to teach the value of loving your children and wife (who are not normally looked at with much value). It was an honor to be at these events where God has been working teaching them the precious value of children and spouses and where 12 people proclaimed their faith in Jesus Christ through baptism. This is a huge step for the people many are looked down upon in their villages due to their faith but God has been working in many lives and answering many prayers. Another praise was the good weather we experienced. It was such a beautiful day, in a gorgeous gorge down the side of the mountain where the people were baptized in the freezing water.
Many children were dedicated.
One of the couples getting married.
They are not very expresive here but you could see how much he loved her! |
One of the 12 baptisms! |
We were also blessed with beautiful weather all week, last year it rained every day but this year it was clear almost everyday, which was a huge answer to prayer for traveling the dirt roads. The rain apparently was back at home where our families weathered Sandy. We were so thankful the Lord answered our prayers and protected our families and homes while we were in Honduras.
One of the beautiful views! |
We are so thankful for all the support and items that were given for the Christmas parties. Last count we had packed over 600 bags in 3 days for children and adults. We were able to give a pair of socks to each child. It was such a blessing to be there and watch their faces as they had their dinner and received their gifts. A message encouraging the power of prayer was also shared.
Handing our gift bags and apples. |
At our last church one of the men asked to pray for us, as he did they all prayed. It was a prayer full of thanks to the Lord but I wanted so much to tell all of them what a huge blessing they were to all of us. It was an honor to be there side by side with brothers and sisters in Christ sharing the blessings the Lord has given.
One of my sweetest moments was when we were able to hand out clothing at one of the churches. The joy overflowed from the people. I put a coat on a little boy and he jumped up and down. A Mothers eyes were so full of thanksgiving when she was receiving clothing for her children. There were so many special moments we shared with the people but also with my own daughter.
This Mama’s heart was overflowing watching her daughter serve our Lord so full of joy and loving every minute. She was such a trooper even when she was sick she still wanted to help. What an answer to her Mama’s prayers and to have the privilege to be a part of her first calling overseas, one day I won’t be able to go with her when she goes but I will be so thankful that I could share in the beginning of her incredible journey. Prayer is so powerful and I can’t wait to see all God will do next!